Benefits of vumc compliance portal?
If you’re looking to make sure you’re up to date with federal compliance laws, you’ve come to the right place. The VUMC compliance portal contains a wealth of information. Specifically, it includes Human research protection program compliance information, Title IX reporting requirements, and training for supervisors.
Human research protection program
The Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) manages and oversees arrangements with external and commercial IRBs and serves as lead IRB for some select studies. It also processes reportable events and compliance information and manages emerging risks. Emergent Risk Information can result in protocol amendments and changes to informed consent.
The Human Research Protection Program at Virginia Tech works with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to support and ensure ethical conduct of research. It is fully compliant with the federal regulations for the protection of human subjects. Throughout the process, Human Research Protection program staff members are available to answer questions and ensure compliance with HIPAA and other federal regulations.
The HRPP’s mission is to help the university meet its legal and regulatory obligations, and collaborates with other offices and community partners to meet these requirements. The office coordinates various programs and activities for the University, including Community Engagement, Cultural Ambassador Program, Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust, and the FDA Clinical Research Diversity Partnership. It also provides training on Good Clinical Practice and conducts Quality Assurance Audits. The staff is staffed with former members of the IRB who advise on ethical issues.
Title IX reporting requirements
For faculty at the VUMC School of Medicine, two new training modules will soon be available: Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Reporting) training and Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure training. These modules will be required for all VUMC faculty on or before May 1, 2015.
Title IX regulations were updated this year and educational institutions have until August 14, 2020 to become compliant. Changes include new protections for both the accused and survivors of sexual misconduct. This includes requiring live hearings where witnesses can cross-examine other parties. It also requires educational institutions to take the position that a party accused of sexual harassment is innocent until they complete their investigation and decision-making process.
Vanderbilt’s Compliance Reporting Hotline is available to answer questions and report violations of federal or state laws. In addition, the hotline can be used to receive guidance about Vanderbilt’s Standards of Conduct or anonymously provide feedback or suggestions.
Sexual misconduct (Title IX) training
Sexual misconduct (Title IX) is an issue on many campuses, and a Title IX training course can help you comply with the law. The course teaches staff, students, and faculty about the rights of all students under Title IX, as well as how to recognize, prevent, and respond to any type of misconduct. The training also includes tips for bystander intervention.
Training for Title IX is required by the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights for those involved in resolving complaints. The University of Maryland Baltimore utilizes ATIXA for initial certification trainings, which provides a comprehensive list of training materials. Upon appointment, each individual participating in the Title IX resolution process will attend initial certification training. Dates listed below represent certification cohorts attended by individuals.
The training covers topics like the definition of sexual harassment in the federal code, the grievance process, and the ramifications of sexual misconduct. It also covers issues of dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and other types of harassment. The regulations also address the rights of survivors during the grievance process. These include written notice of allegations, the right to present evidence, and live hearings.
Training for supervisors
If you are a supervisor who is interested in learning more about VUMC’s compliance portal, you have come to the right place. This resource offers a wide variety of online courses for supervisors who are involved in research. These courses focus on safety and compliance in research studies and are available to all VUMC employees.