Grace Sward – A Collaborative Biography
This collaborative biography is a great way for people to remember Grace Sward and share their experiences. Share stories about Grace, add highlights from her life, and post photos and comments. The more people contribute, the more accurate and complete the biography will be. And it’s free to contribute! Here are some suggestions:
Influenza pandemic
An influenza pandemic is an epidemic caused by a new flu virus that has a low level of immunity and can spread rapidly worldwide. Many experts believe that a new influenza virus will emerge in the 21st century, but it is difficult to predict the specific strain that will cause a pandemic. Regardless, the world must prepare for the worst by taking the necessary precautions. Millions of lives are at stake, and vaccines are essential to prevent or contain an influenza outbreak.
In the early twentieth century, the influenza pandemic resulted in an impressive body of immunological research. Many articles were published in the Journal of Immunology during this time period. Researchers at the time believed that influenza was caused by bacteria. Although they were aware of the fact that bacteria cause some types of infectious diseases, including diphtheria, they were not aware that influenza viruses were anything more than filter-passing agents.
As a result, virologists are slowly unlocking the secrets of the 1918 flu pandemic. The virus’s rapid evolution is believed to have been a direct result of mutation. Flu viruses mutate constantly in a process known as antigenic drift. The changes are often dramatic and may be mistaken for a new virus by the human body. As a result, the outbreak can spread rapidly and cause massive illness and death.
Influenza pandemics occur in two distinct phases. The first was the Spanish Influenza of 1918, which killed between twenty-two and forty million people. It was caused by a new strain of influenza A virus. The virus spread quickly from one person to another, and many people died within the first few days. Some suffered secondary complications, but nearly half of the victims were healthy adults.
McCarthy hearings
While the McCarthy hearings are over, they still have a lot to teach us about how the media works. Because the hearings were televised for 35 days, more than twenty million Americans watched. Television networks abandoned lucrative advertising commitments to air the hearings. Audience measurements showed that the hearings out-rated most daytime television shows. The hearings also drew a large number of reporters and employees. McCarthy mastered the art of manipulating the press to make the most out of his words and actions.
McCarthy’s methods of investigating communist activities in the army were controversial and got a lot of media attention. The hearings also brought to light the fact that McCarthy had over-reacted. One prominent critic of McCarthyism, Senator Lester Hunt, committed suicide in June of 1950. The senator had been threatened by McCarthy supporters to prosecute his son over accusations of homosexuality.
The hearings led to a flurry of lawsuits. Two of the lawyers involved in the lawsuit were employed by McCarthy. One of them, Roy Cohn, was a long-time friend of McCarthy. Another was Samuel Reber, whose career with the State Department was halted abruptly by Cohn’s threats.
The McCarthy hearings were an attempt to demonize Communists in the United States government. It was based on a scrap of paper that McCarthy claimed contained a list of 205 Communist Party members working in the State Department. This list was never substantiated. Despite the lack of evidence, McCarthy’s tactics and heavy-handed interrogation style grew his influence. Some of his tactics included questioning the loyalty of critics.
Witness to murder
The prosecutor is likely to find that the principal witness is less cooperative than she thought. But that does not mean that she is not a credible witness. She may still have a chance of winning the case. However, if she is too lenient with the prosecution, she could lose the case.